Wild Turkey 8 Year Old Bourbon Whiskey 700ml
Wild Turkey 8 Year Old Bourbon Whiskey 700ml
“Wild Turkey® 8 Year Old is a high-quality sipping Bourbon and an easy entry point for the whiskey newcomer in the Bourbon Category who chooses quality over quantity. Wild Turkey 8 years old is a style of Bourbon that has a high rye and bold flavour that is available to most, no matter what level of the previous Bourbon experience is.
Wild Turkey® 8 Year Old has been launched to support the ongoing single malt trend and to build a bridge between two highly popular category, American and Scotch whiskies. Wild Turkey 8 years old gives an opportunity to consumers and bartenders to explore a longer aged whisky expression with a variety of usage.
This Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey is highly enjoyable neat, on the rocks, or in a cocktail especially the cocktail that rules them all: the Old Fashioned.
As the name implies, the Old Fashioned is one of the oldest mixed drinks in the cocktail canon some say the oldest. Ordering one at a bar will likely earn you an approving nod from the barkeep, but its also the perfect cocktail for any bourbon lover to master at home. Whether you are entertaining friends or lounging on your couch, its simple ingredients, easy assembly method, and whiskey-forward flavor profile make this the quintessential bourbon cocktail for any