TFAC | Lactose (200 Mesh) 1000 G. L061 L061
Lactose is a type of carbohydrate. Dual sugar (disaccharide) contains 1 molecule of glucose and galactose (galactose) combined with glycosidic bond (glycosidic bond) type beta-1, 4 (beta 1-4) lactose.Trose is reducing sugar, it is a sugar found only in milk (milk) of mammals, so it may be called milk sugar (milk sugar) contains approximately 2.4-6.1% milk, lactose is reducing sugar separated.From whey which is by-product of cheese or casein protein separation.
* * * Sweetness (relative sweetness) *
Lactose is less sweeter than other sugars. The relative sweetness is 20, while sucrose is as sweet as 100, glucose is as sweet as 70-80 and fructose is sweet.Equals 140
* * * Solutability *
Lactose is poorly soluble. Less soluble than sucrose, glucose and fructose, making it easy to crystallize lactose in dairy products. That makes it easier to make sweeten condensed milk, ice cream (ice Cream)
* * The formation of lactose crystals *
In in Ice cream sweetened condensation products With a high concentration of lactose Must control the crystals of lactose sugar not to be large. If the crystals of lactose are more than 30 microns in length, the ice cream will make the ice cream look sandy, the bottom of the tongue, the length of the appropriate lactose crystals should not exceed 10 microns (campaign, 2538). Control of the lactose crystals in ice cream can be done by quickly reducing the temperature of the ice cream for large quantities of crystalline nuclei. And is smaller or inserting smaller lactose powder to make it a small crystalline nucleus.
* * * * Lactose intolerance *
Enzyme (enzyme) is lactase or beta-galactosidase, resulting in 1 molecule of glucose and galactose (galactose). 1 molecule is enzyme found in unweaned animals. People who have quit drinking milk for a long time This enzyme will disappear. When returning to drink milk or taking new dairy products There will be no lactose digestive enzymes. Causing the water to be pulled out of the small intestine Thus causing symptoms of fluid excretion, diarrhea called lactose intolerance
Lactose is an allergen food set by the European Union by the label.
* * Production of lactose *
Separating the lactose from the whey for commercial production. It is made by evaporating the water with an evaporator to make the whey more than 60% concentrated and the solid perimeter and leaving it to crystallize. (crystallization), then centrifuge to separate the lactose crystals.Out of the rest of the protein And then dried (dehydration) and ground into a fine white powder
* * Using lactose in food *
– – Used to increase the amount of solids in dairy products (dairy product).
– – Used in baby food
– – Used as a carrier, a flavoring agent –
Wananna Traditional. 2549. Carbohydrate food chemicals. Chulalongkorn University Publisher
Dare to Srirod. 2542.Sweetener. Japart Center Co., Ltd.
Application: Baking, Dessert, Dairy
Packing size:
1000 g / bag