Original Package Mushroom Parachute – Dewarangga Premium
Choose the Original The contents of this package are:
-Ultima Balanced Omega 3 & 6 + Taurine
-Botanical Extract
Contains balanced Omega 3 & 6, taurine, vitamin B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, folic acid, anti-inflammatory, anti-histamine, anti-bacterial and pain relief, for:
-Anti-inflammatory To cure inflammation in the skin
-MUSHROOD Tops EVERED and Scabies
-body Acute RINGWORM TOP
4. ?Removes irritation caused by skin problems: MUSHROW,YEAST, RINGWORM.
5. ?Speed up regeneration of damaged skin and coat caused by Mushroom & Ringworm
Key benefits: Cure the MUSHROW of the severity due to Skin Diseases.
Buy a lot cheaper:
A)x10days packagex
B)x2 weeks packagex
C)x3 weeks packagex
D)x1 month packagex
– Bath a week 2x
– ?Last rinsing must be perfect so that no residue shampoo residue
?- Dry it with a heatingless Pet Dryer to make it dry perfectly
– Place the cat in an unhumid room
How and dose of giving vitamins:
– Vitamin Ultima 1 capsule in the morning
– Vitamin Botanical Extract 1 tablet at night
(This Recipe is for cats at least 4 months old)
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