Nadhifa herbal Soap Variants Of Original BPOM Goola Prevent Cellulite strechmark
100% natural nadhifa soap soap soap with 100% branded soap bpom
It serves to prevent and reduce cellulite
It turns out that besides dealing with cellulite… Traders can also solve a wide range of skin problems.
The leaves contain a variety of useful substances for the skin:
Madasiatic acid
Riterpenoid / saponins
*1. Accelerate healing and treat wound skin
– increasing anti oxidant
– enhancing collagen syntax that can accelerate the healing process of injured skin and minimize scarring.
– inflamed wounds.
– third level burns., That is, patients with minor burns and can immediately treat their injuries shortly after the accident
– prevent scarring or keloid from forming on the skin.
*2. Skin rejuvenation (sign of2 aging) x
– dealing with wrinkles.
– restore the refreshing skin that has been lost.
*3. Coping with acne
– reduce inflammation on acne.
– treating blemish2 marks acne fade
*4. Treatment for leprosy x
– pain in leprosy.
*5. Prevent and overcome stretch markx
*6. Disguise stitching wounds.
*7. Coping with rough skin