Micro Usb Jack Pin Metal Case DIY Charging and Data Transfer Cable (Micro Usb DIY)
Diy Metal Shell Jack Pin Mechanical Keyboard Cable, Phone Charging Cable that supports data transmission…
The Jack has an extremely sturdy metal shell, the tail of the cos hugs the wire tightly.
The overall metal case is smaller and stronger than the plastic case.
1 Set of Micro Usb Jacks includes: set of 2 metal jack covers and 1 part Micro Usb pin for contact welding
Connector: 4 PIN
Zeuscables currently provides a full range of products so that you can customize the Cable yourself such as Cable Core, PET/Paracord Wired, Connector, UsbA/TypeC/Mini/MicroUsb Jack…
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Micro Usb Jack Pin Metal Case DIY Charging and Data Transfer Cable (Micro Usb DIY)
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