Mass Careba Can Be Used By Both Children-Adults.
Massive Care Bag Strap
!!? Read before ordering !!?
??This model is adjustable round strap.
?? Can be used by both children and adults.
?? The hook is plastic.
(((Some Hooks may be clear, some rounds may be cloudy)
?? Flexible cable is not stiff, does not cut the neck.
?? The color of the cable may change continuously depending on the origin store produced.
For example, some rounds, 2 colors / some rounds may be pure color or some rounds, the cable may be black.
?? Cartoon character postures may change from for example, may change from stand to sit.
But customers will definitely get the color of the cartoon characters that the customer chooses.
The female vendor cannot control because the origin is made in assorted colors, lines, assorted gestures of cartoon characters continuously.
?? Products ready to ship to Thailand.??
1-3 days to the customer
!!?Some times such as festivals or transportation periods, a lot of events, there may be some delays, customers have to understand his system.
Because the transportation system is beyond the control of the store Giving stars in the shop Must not be included with the transportation system !!^