?Mainboard For Asus X551CA REV.2.2 With SR0N9 I3-3217U CPU 4GB Laptop Motherboard 100% Full Test ??
Dear buyers, the rules for buying products are as follows:There are no defects on the motherboard,Pictures are taken in kind, the motherboard has been carefully tested before sending, is completely working, can be assured to buy, please contact us if you have any unclear problems after receiving the product.Please do not give us bad reviews, we will try our best to solve your problems, we hope you can give us five star reviews, thank you very much.Motherboard function test process,1.Inspect the appearance of the product, such as oil, dust, tin soldering or other shipboard stains.2.Check for the absence of electronic insulating tape.3.Check the case for missing parts, rust, rot and heat dissipation.4.Check the liquid crystal display, dual memory, DVD drive, network connection, voice, mouse, keyboard, dial, USB, SD connector, PC, 3.3v COMS battery, battery charge and discharge, fully run 3D, restart the system at least 2 times.5.When you use the motherboard please note :When installing the motherboard, be sure to use enough heat-dissipating silica gel on the motherboard’s graphics card and processor CPU so that the computer can get hot.After installed the mainboard when you encounter a computer won’t boot properly, you need to test your computer accessories, memory, processor, computer screen, computer wire screen lines, adapter, whether in good condition, also need to install on the cmos battery, repeated several times to open the computer, so the computer can work normally.these pictures are taken when the test motherboard can work normally.I hope your computer will work normally after you receive the motherboard.We also hope that you can confirm receipt of the order and give us a good evaluation of the five stars.Thank you very much.when you encounter any problems, please contact us immediately, we will solve for you