King of 12 – Genuine dice Board game
Number of players: 2-4
Play time: 20-40 minutes
Age: 10+
Difficulty: Easy
In King of 12, each player uses the same set of seven character cards. Each ring, players choose one of these and reveal them at the same time.
If two or more players choose the same card, these cards will cancel. Otherwise, the post effect will be solved. They affect each player’s magic ball – d12.
After all the cards are resolved, the value of the dice will be compared. If two players have the same value on the dice, they will cancel. The rest of the players with the highest dice value will win the ring and get two points. The second person also got one point. But in some cases, the smallest value can win…
When there is only one card left, players compare their points. Players with the same number of destructive points, then players with the most points will win the ring. This player puts one of their cards to one side and another played until a player wins at the second round. This player won the game.
A good and highly interactive game about cheating, reading thoughts and tacticals. Easy to learn and play.
Can combine up to four games to play with up to 16 players.
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