Inferno Movie Tie In Book – Dan Brown – Span Library
Format: 15.5 x 23.5 (SC)
Quantity OF PAGES: 644
Paper Type Contents: Book paper 57 gr
Cover Paper Type: Air conditioner 210 gr
Darkest place in hell
Reserved for them
Which remains neutral during moral crisis.
Robert Langdon woke up in hospitals and shock when found himself in Florence, Italy. In fact, his last memory was to walk home after giving a lecture at Harvard. Langdon hasn’t had time to understand this oddness, his world explodes in chaos. In front of the eye, the doctor who treated him was shot dead. Langdon escaped thanks to Sienna Brooks, a secret young doctor.
On the run, Langdon realized that he had an ancient stamp containing secret codes of fanatic scientists obsessed with the destruction of the world based on the greatest masterpiece ever writtenAnferno by Dante. The genetic creation of such scientists threatened the survival of mankind, Langdon had to race with time solving puzzles dressed up in dark poetry Dante Alighieri. Not to mention, he must avoid a troop of black uniforms who are determined to catch him.
The master, dan Brown, shows genius processing history, art, code, and symbols in an unforgettable story. After Da Vinci Code, Angels & Demons, and The Lost Symbol, Inferno returns confirming success And Brown as a knitter of amazing stories.
“A Tense adventure full of secret codes, art history,
Science, and the inevitable apocalypse.
Daily News
Full Of tricks… tense adventures along the book.
Full of spirit and energy.
The New York Times
“Written With the potential Box Office… Brown’s strongest story so far.”
“Smart, Genius, and complete… Brown is an intellectual thriller master.
The Wall Street Journal
Brown Is very good at making readers believe that books
And dusty old gangs disguise global conspiracy.
The Washington Post
Stunning Thriller… Inferno features mystery elements,
A beautiful partner, and secret conspiracy agenda hints.
Inferno, Specially designed to satisfy readers.
The Boston Globe