Hijab bouquet / birthday gift / unique gift / graduation gift / graduation bouquet / INBEKEN bouquet


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Hijab BOUQUET || Graduation BOUQUET CONTAINS HIJAB / HIJAB || Hijab bouquet

Size: ± 15 x 40 x 30 cm

Color: Can Request color or theme, otherwise random color will be sent..

Greetings or additions: you can request it, bro, and put it in the message before “make an order”.

Price listed is for one HIJAB BOUQUET || Graduation BOUQUET CONTAINS HIJAB / HIJAB || Hijab bouquet

Contains 1 hijab including CARDBOARD PACKING…

Package Security is at Expedition Handling*

Nb: Our colors are Random, bro, you can Request via Chat
Item price includes shipping fee that should be borne by the buyer.

Hijab bouquet / birthday gift / unique gift / graduation gift / graduation bouquet / INBEKEN bouquet
Hijab bouquet / birthday gift / unique gift / graduation gift / graduation bouquet / INBEKEN bouquet


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